Soul Discovery Show 08/09/23

Fred Ross “Tuesday Heartbreak” (Stokeland)
The Chestnut Brothers “ Whole Lotta You In Me” (JonKia)
Dwayne Scivally “Point O f No Return” (Izipho Soul Records) 7’
Milton Davis “All I Want To Do” (Albina Music Trust) LP
Kinsman Dazz Band “Ghetto Preacher” (Creative-Soul Records) 7’
Menagerie “Kingdom” (Freestyle Records) LP
Jewell Bass “Let Your Love Rain On Me” (Soul4Real Records) LP
Danny Ward & Reality “Masquerade” (JazzRoom Records) LP
TMF “Golden Time Of Day” (Demo)
JKabel “Lawd Hammercy”
Donnell Isaac “Through Love”
Jalen Ngonda “If You Don’t Want My Love” (Daptone Records) LP
Jalen Ngonda “Give Me Another Day” (Daptone Records) LP
Jalen Ngonda “Rapture” (Daptone Records) LP
William Bell “Brag About You” (Wilbe Records)
Bob Poitier “Baby I Need You” (Miami International) 7’
Dwayne Scivally “So Good” (Izipho Soul Records) 7’
Charles Jackson “Love Of You” (Capital) LP
C.L. Blast “If I Had Love You More” (Cotillion) LP
Jewell Bass “See You Again” (Soul4Real Records) LP
R.B. Hudmon “I Could Paint A Picture” (R&B Records) 7’
Heart Soul & Inspiration “I’m Gonna Love You More” (A&B Sides Izipho Soul Records) 7’
Menagerie “Earthrise”” (Freestyle Records) LP
Walter Jackson “The Wall That Separate Us” (U.S.A. Records) 7′
John Edwards “Walls That Seperate Our Love” (Kent) 7’
Terry Collins “The Show Must Go On” (Kwanza Records) 7’
Anita Mitchell “Lovin On Borrowed Time” (Malaco)
Jewell Bass “Overflowing (For You)” (Soul4Real Records) LP
Danny Ward & Reality “Affirmation” (JazzRoom Records) LP
Menagerie “Arrival” (Freestyle Records) LP